Discovering a hazardous situation in your home can be an unnerving experience. Whether it’s bodily fluids, chemical spills, or any other hazardous waste, it’s critical to know how to handle the situation properly to minimize risks to your health and the well-being of your family. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on how to deal with a biohazard in your home, offering insights into when to tackle the situation yourself and when to call professionals.

Identifying a Biohazard Situation

A biohazard refers to any biological material that poses a threat to human health or the environment. This can include blood, sewage, medical waste, and certain types of chemicals. Identifying a biohazard is the first step in effective resolution and restoration.

Evaluating the Biohazard

The Personal Dimension

If you find a biohazard in your home, the first step is to evaluate the situation carefully. Is it something you are comfortable cleaning yourself? For instance, if the biohazard involves your own blood or that of a family member, you may be willing to handle the cleanup. Here are the guidelines for personal cleanup:

  1. Safety Gear: Always use safety gear like gloves, goggles, and a mask.
  2. Disinfect: Use a reliable disinfectant to clean the area.
  3. Dispose: Ensure proper disposal of any waste, including the safety gear you used.

The Third-Party Dimension

If the hazardous material comes from an unknown source or involves elements you are not familiar with, it’s strongly advised to involve professionals. Third-party cleanup ensures the area is sanitized and restored to its original state, minimizing health risks.

When to Call Professionals

Sometimes the decision to bring in professionals isn’t clear-cut. If you are unsure, consider the following:

  1. Volume of Material: A larger amount often requires specialized equipment for cleanup.
  2. Type of Material: Certain biohazards, like chemical spills, should always be handled by professionals.
  3. Legal Requirements: Some situations, like crime scenes, have legal obligations for cleanup that you may not be aware of.
  4. Peace of Mind: Professionals follow established guidelines to ensure that no trace of the biohazard remains, offering you peace of mind.

How Professionals Handle a Biohazard Situation

When you decide to go the professional route, you can expect a structured approach to resolving the biohazard situation in your home. This usually involves:

  1. Assessment: The first step is an in-depth evaluation of the affected area.
  2. Cost Estimate: Based on the assessment, you will receive an estimate for the cleanup.
  3. Cleanup: This involves removal, disinfection, and disposal of biohazardous materials.
  4. Restoration: Finally, the area is restored to its original condition, safe for you and your family.


Encountering a biohazard in your home is undoubtedly distressing, but knowing how to handle it can significantly mitigate the risks involved. The key lies in a careful assessment of whether the situation is something you can manage yourself or whether professional intervention is warranted. Keep in mind that professionals not only ensure a thorough cleanup but also comply with all legal guidelines, offering you the peace of mind you deserve in a challenging time. Contact Scene Clean today to speak with our team about what to do if you encounter a biohazard in your home.