Fraud Blocker Automobile Terms and Conditions - Scene Clean, Inc.

Auto Drug Terms and Conditions Acknowledgment

AUTOMOBILES. The company cannot, does not and will not guarantee all meth will be removed from any automobile. The small space combined with endless nooks and crannies as well as hidden metal components will not allow for 100% removal of meth residue. Customer understands complete 100% removal is not possible and will hold the company harmless. 

Customer acknowledges and understands that the chemicals used in conjunction with drug mitigation can result in damages to certain surfaces and materials, the company will in no way be responsible for any damages. Test results and cleaning will only be performed on common touch points and accessible areas of any automobile, residue may still be present in hard-to-reach areas of the automobile. 

Cleaning and testing procedures are based of off the guidelines provided by the Minnesota Department of Health. The company does not perform a detailed interior cleaning of vehicles mitigated, the mitigation focus is on the meth residue not every day dirt and grime found in a car. Streaking on windows and hard surfaces may be present upon completion and will require a normal cleaning at the customers expense after mitigation. If authorized, a post mitigation test will be performed after mitigation has been completed. Please note the following:

  1. Seats will be removed and cleaned, if possible, to properly clean the interior of the car. Re-installation will NOT occur.
  2. Carpeting may be removed depending on the level of pre-testing contamination and is solely at the discretion of the company. 
  3. Headliner is strongly suggested to be removed, if customer chooses to not remove the headliner they agree to hold the company harmless for any potential contamination issues. However, the headliner is staying with the car we will do our best to clean it.  
  4. Any automobile which was used in production or a “lab” will be gutted of all interior materials hard and soft. 

FENTANYL IN AUTOMOBILES. The same procedures of cars contaminated for meth are applied to fentanyl. However, there is still no regulated limit of allowed residue set forth by any governmental agency related to usage of fentanyl on its cleanup. Scene Clean is currently using a internal standard of 0.05 micrograms or less. Cars contaminated by fentanyl 'lab' versus usage will not be cleaned or attempted to be cleaned. 

DAILY STORAGE FEE. Vehicles will be charged a daily storage fee of $65.00 if not removed from Scene Clean within 5 days after either the service is completed or post testing and confirmation of clearance is received whichever is applicable to the vehicle. 

Todays Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Completed By(Required)
Form Completed By
Year of Auto
Auto Make
Model of Auto
Last 6 of VIN
Lot of PO Number
Phone Number
Contact Email(Required)
I prefer the headliner be:(Required)
I prefer the headliner be (the company will make the final decision)
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