IMG_0642What You Shouldn’t Throw In the Dumpster


Although it requires a ton of work, moving to a new home is usually a fun and exciting event. Regardless, moving offers the opportunity to start fresh and, more often than not, that fresh start usually involves getting rid of junk you no longer wish to harbor in your new home. If you’re a minimalist, letting go of impractical items comes naturally. However, before you start chucking old appliances, electronics and other environmentally hazardous items, you should figure out a way to properly dispose of the potentially dangerous items.




Old, bulky computers and televisions sitting in your current den don’t get much action these days and you surely don’t want to bring them to your new, shiny crib. Besides, they’ll stick out like a sore thumb against the beautiful custom woodwork and modern floors. Just rent a dumpster and throw them in the trash, right? Not so fast. Many electronics contain potent chemicals like mercury, lead and cadmium, among others. Many computer recycling and TV disposal services will come pick up your old electronics and properly dispose / recycle their contents.




Getting rid of appliances can sometimes prove difficult. Many people moving to a new home use the move as an opportunity to upgrade appliances. Furthermore, if you’re selling your old home, the new residents may want you to take your appliances with you. If the still work, you could donate them, using your charitable gift as means to a tax deduction. The appliances must maintain considerable value for a write-off. Be cautious with refrigerators as they contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). These greenhouse gases deteriorate ozone and promote global climate change. I will often look on Craigslist for scrapers who will come and remove these items for free as well, especially if you have a pile of stuff.




Automotive fluids, strong cleaning agents, pesticides, paints and solvents – oh my! Simply thinking about this lethal laundry list of compounds is enough to give just about anyone a headache. Although it may seem like a small amount of toxic waste, in aggregate, these liquid-based substances will slither their way through the innards of landfills and contaminate water supplies. You can use a cool website called Recycle Where? to locate a nearby facility for proper disposal. Most cities and or counties in Minnesota have resources for you to recycle these items free of charge.


Excessively bulky gear


Did you know that most cities enforce laws around leaving large, bulky items out for the garbage men to pickup? That simple 10-second walk down the driveway with your mattress could cost you a stiff fine. For those of you in Minnesota you can always call Scene Clean and we will come and assess your situation for you.